Sunday, July 1, 2018

Research Process Post 4: The Journey Ends

     So far, in my research using the InfoZone process, I completed the first three steps: deciding on a question, finding articles, and evaluating the sources of the articles.  My evaluation found several articles lacking in reliability due to lack of authority.  One article lacked source citations and one was not current.  I went from thirteen sources down to eight.  Now, I am ready for step 4.

    The 4th step in the InfoZone process is Connecting: Organizing Information.  This is the step where you brainstorm, organize your ideas, and write your report.  InfoZone has several links for these ideas, but not all work.  Between the working links and Google I found these resources: brainstorming tool, graphic organizers, study guides, and writing tips.

     I have an article stating that children should develop the ability to solve simple equations in middle school, an article showing research that concludes students are between 16 and 17 when they can reason abstractly, an article that mention IQ tests using abstract reasoning skills and mentions Piaget's theories, an article explaining what Piaget's Formal Operational stage is and that it begins around 12 and continues through adulthood, an article about kids not having the reasoning skills needed for courses, testing their abstract thinking level, and adjusting teaching based on scores, and 3 articles with the test, the key, and how to score it.  So, I'm thinking I would put together a paper starting with a discussion of the development of abstract reasoning skills, a plan for assessing student ability, and a plan for strategies to help your students based on those results.  I will discuss my findings in my next blog, but keep in mind, my assignment isn't to actually write a research paper, it is to explore the process.

     The 5th step in the InfoZone process is Producing: Communicating the Information.  The links to this step are mainly about finding images to go with your paper and ways to publish your report.  For my assignment, that part has been this blog, which is the part I have enjoyed the most.

     The 6th step is Judging: Evaluating the Process and the Product.  The links include using rubrics, and my instructor provided me with one.  I have been evaluating the process through the blogs, and with my daughter's help, we looked over the first two blogs.  Tomorrow I am hoping to get her to look over the rest of my posts to point out my errors.  She has been a great help, as it has been a long time since I took a writing choice, and I am writing a lot of this while I am tired.

     My Research Journey has ended!!!  I will be posting several more blogs sharing my findings and reflections on the research process from several aspects.

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